
第100天的愚 · 乐


Najib's 11 gifts

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dished out 11 “goodies” in conjunction with his 100th day as Prime Minister on Saturday. The measures were both people-friendly and, in some cases, solutions to longstanding grievances。(The Star, Sunday July 12, 2009标题之一,http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/7/12/nation /4306047&sec=nation)


●a 20% toll discount for frequent users who pay toll 80 times a month or more via the Smart Tag or Touch ’n Go, effective Sept 1每月使用大道超过80次可享用20%折扣的过路费
● some 44,000 low-cost houses under the Program Perumahan Rakyat in the Federal Territory offered for sale to existing tenants正在租用政府组屋人民可选择购买政府组屋
● a 50% discount on licences for petty traders in the Federal Territory联邦直辖区小贩商执照申请和更新费用减少50%
●more than 7,000 individual taxi permits approved, with another 3,000 to be approved in the coming three months3个月內新分发3000张个人德士执照
●crime prevention (details to be announced at the end of the month月底公佈打击罪案和反贪污的措施
●expediting birth registrations, with 92% of the 36,000 applications in Sabah, and 80% of the 19,000 in Sarawak approved since 2005短期內处理完那些迟申请出生登记的申请,特別是是东马两州
●clearing the backlog of citizenship applications, with 46% of the 34,000 cases already resolved年底前处理被搁置的公民权申请
●improving connectivity and access to basic utilities in the rural areas专注城外地区发展,特別是东马在第十大马计划增加1500公里的道路,月底公佈提昇东马电力和自来水供应措施
●a RM150mil allocation for the Tekun scheme, which is a fund for entrepreneurs, and another RM15mil specifically for young Indian entrepreneurs
●reducing the cost to obtain a B2 motorcycle licence (under 250cc), including riding lessons, to RM211 effective Sept 1. It currently costs around RM500 to RM700 to attend lessons and the test小型电单车学费
●setting up a new trust fund, Amanah Saham 1Malaysia, with a maximum size of 10 billion units. Those above 18 are eligible to invest. Under the Amanah Saham Wawasan scheme, 10,000 poverty-stricken urban households under the E-Kasih list would receive 10,000 units per household by 2010近期內发售价值100亿令吉的一个马来西亚信托基金

1. “变相的少付过路费”措施到底对一般上 班族有何好处?朝九晚五的办公室白领阶级,除了外勤人员,如何一个月内使用80次以上的“一摸就过”卡或“精明卡”?以目前一周五天的工作日计算,一个月 大概用44次。即使周末两天都出去血拼,即使两者两天都出外两回,而两回都使用收费站,也只有32次,那么总计是76次,还差4次。难道为了可以得到 20%回扣,而“随便串行”收费站4次?
2. “收费站公司”到底属于谁的?是政府经营的?是私人公司的?若是私人公司的,为何政府可以“轻易的simply”为这些公司推出优惠人们的措施?若是政府经营的,为何不直接减低过路费,甚至。。。。。。(省略了,因为竟然要废除过路费,这诉求太过分了!)
3.为何一些措施不是推及“1个马来西亚”的人民, 而是选择性的联邦直辖区和东马?中央政府没有权力要求州政府跟随?
4. 其他措施如反贪污、灭罪案、改善公共设施、减低小型电单车学习费等能够算是“礼物”吗?尤其是后者,为何政府可以在没有咨询学习驾驶学院的情况下调整费 用?调低费用当然不是问题,问题是调整建议是否“合法”,对教车人士会有怎样的冲击吗?若有收入的冲击,是否有妥善安排 ?这些也是民生问题,虽然是很微小的、属于一小部分人的问题,但是也能看出到底执行者是否知会信口开河,只为了讨人(或某些人)的欢心而已。

