



70 年代,马来西亚国立大学实行种族化固打政策,其中玛拉工艺学院的到处林立无非是强化马来人的学术地位。到了2000年后,污桶变本加厉,实行大学的种族性 保护政策。当玛拉工艺学院升格为大学后,污秽之桶一再强调这所大学只收土著。马来人为何在新世纪还是缺乏自信呢?说穿了,还不是跟马来西亚人口中的新加坡 人一样,拥有“怕输”的恐惧感。可怜的是,时至今日,马来人从怕输进一步大剌剌地提出“纯种族主义”,国阵政府难道不担心67%的人民会变成草莓族吗? 如此具有歧视性、不公正的高等教育政策,恐怕会祸延全体国民,连剩下的33%也会放慢竞争的脚步。



But what makes a university world class? As international competition for students and academics increases, this question is very much on the front burner for university leaders. Many people talk about ‘world class’ universities, but what the term means is often left hovering in the air, undefined.

In my view, four factors make a university world class. First, it must show a commitment to breadth and excellence in all fields of human inquiry, not simply in a particular niche. Uniform excellence across all fields is an ideal that no university achieves in practice, but it is a fine ambition. One senses that universal, high ambition in great universities, coupled with real excellence in most fields, most of the time.

Second, world class universities engage in cutting-edge research whilst at the same time teaching the next generation, their students. Teaching and research are intrinsically bound together, with top researchers inspiring and mentoring their students. In turn, students themselves inspire and challenge their teachers.

Much of the talk about world class universities centres around the production of exciting discoveries and universities’ contribution to the economy and to human enrichment through the development of cultural knowledge. But every bit as important as these is the role of universities as educators. World class universities produce students who will go on to be leaders in all walks of life.

Third, great universities must allow their researchers the freedom to experiment, succeed, and sometimes fail. They must be able to make grand mistakes as well as grand discoveries. It is often through making those mistakes that the grand discoveries are made.

This implies a degree of inefficiency, but it is a necessary inefficiency and a corollary of greatness. A university operating with a completely utilitarian mindset will forego the opportunities that a more open-ended system allows.

Finally, world class universities have permeable boundaries. This means encouraging interdisciplinary research and teaching; it means working with the private sector, for example, fostering and encouraging partnerships with industry; and it means encouraging international collaboration.

World class universities look outward, and think beyond conventional boundaries today, we educate students more and more of whom will go on to live and work in a range of cultures. We must equip them for this life, partly by what we teach them, partly by what other experiences we offer them, who they meet as students and the composition of the study body.

There are many challenges. For example, how do we encourage groups of students from different countries to mix rather than self-segregate, especially if they are non-native speakers? Such questions need answers if universities are to be real examples of international diversity.
(录自http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Opinion/Todays_Features /View_Point/What_makes_a_world_class_university/rssarticleshow /2680826.cms)
